23 - 26 July 2024
Jakarta International Expo

Industry News

Innovations in food retail

The food retail industry is going through some interesting changes. Among the key aspects of this is the rise of online grocery shopping and subscription-based meal kit services. While the

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Indonesia develops sustainable tourism

Indonesia has been working to realize its goal of building a quality, sustainable and environmentally friendly tourism industry. Speaking at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on Wednesday, Tourism and

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Ekspor Pangan Olahan Naik 20% Sepanjang 2022

Ekspor pangan olahan mengalami kenaikan sebesar 20% sepanjang 2022. Ketua Umum Gabungan Produsen Makanan dan Minuman Indonesia (GAPMMI) Adhi S. Lukman mengatakan sepanjang tahun 2022 industri makanan dan minuman (mamin)

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